Last Updated on February 1, 2020
California is one of the 17 states that has an infertility insurance mandate. The mandate benefits infertility treatment patients as various first order treatments become more affordable. However, it does not accommodate IVF procedures and patients need to pay the full cost themselves.
This means that IVF cost in California are relatively high. Patients need to find strategies and options that will make bringing baby home more affordable.
How Much Does IVF Cost in California?
On average California IVF cost can come up to more than $5,000 for out-of-pocket expenses for office visits, medication and related expenses. A cycle IVF costs can range between $ 8,000 and $ 13,000 in California. Costs are especially high for couples undergoing IVF with over $19,000 on average and rising with each additional cycle. Here is what average IVF cost in major California cities look like:
California City | Average cost of one IVF cycle without medications |
Los Angeles | $12,000 |
San Diego | $8,000- $12,000 |
San Jose | $13,000 |
San Francisco | $ 13,000 |
Fresno | $ 12,000 |
Because of the mandate, many health insurance companies do not cover IVF cost in California. Therefore, every couple needs to customize a program tailored to their needs.
IVF Insurance Coverage in California
California’s fertility mandate calls for health insurance providers to provide coverage for medical procedures for treating infertility. But there are limitations on the types of procedures and people getting covered. Many of the plans concerning IVF cost are also excluded from these requirements. Individuals who fall under the following categories need to pay full expenses:
- People who work for religious organizations
- California residents working for companies located outside the state
- Medi-Cal and Medicaid enrolees who have low income earnings
- Workers at companies that decline offering infertility coverage
Plus, the cost of IVF in California remains uncovered for everyone.
Infertility Financing Without Insurance in California
Many California residents learn that a lot of infertility expenses need to be paid out of their own pocket including IVF treatment. In this case, they cannot rely on the mandate but have to depend on IVF financing.
Fertility Clinics in California: IVF Cost and Payment Plans
The only place where California residents can get IVF treatment is at the state’s fertility clinics. Since the cost of IVF in California is not covered, these fertility clinics offer their own payment plans. Different plans to cover IVF treatment costs are available for different types of patients.
To cope with the cost of IVF in California, some plans offer single or multiple IVF cycles in bundles. Others are created to offer some kind of a refund if the treatment is unsuccessful or are based on the patient’s age. Yet some other plans offer specialty IVF services at discounted prices.
While each clinic will have its own fees structure and payment plan to cover the cost of IVF, the price quotes given below can give potential patients some idea of the cost factor. Here are some of California’s renowned fertility clinics and their prices for different IVF procedures:
Fresno Fertility Center in Fresno, CA
To manage the cost of IVF in California, Fresno Fertility Center offers three options for affordable IVF treatment.
- The single IVF cycle inclusive of lab services for one completed cycle costs $9,450.
- The package service plan covering the cost of 4 cycles covers the first cycle at $12,800. If the patient does not conceive the first time and needs a second, third or fourth cycle, the additional cost incurred is $ 2,800. This covers the IVF lab expenses and surgicenter fees. If the patient is still unable to conceive then only the lab fees for a frozen embryo transfer will be charged at $ 1,000.
- The IVF refund program offers 3 complete fresh IVF cycles. Also included are 3 frozen embryo transfer cycles at the cost of $22,000. If the patient decides to discontinue treatment when unsuccessful a refund of 70% is given back. The refund program is only available to qualifying patients aged 38 and under.
Bay IVF in Palo Alto, CA
Bay IVF offers a number of different IVF treatments to its patients to cover IVF cost. These include the following options:
- The basic IVF cycle costs $9,870. This treatment includes a fresh embryo transfer with additional charges for embryo freezing or frozen embryo transfer if needed. All in-cycle office visits, ultrasound examinations and clinical monitoring is included in the cost. Not included are medications, lab tests or pre treatment screening evaluations.
- The IVF three cycle plan at Bay IVF comes at a cost of $14, 840. Treatment includes services for fresh and frozen embryo transfer along with embryo freezing. The first cycle includes all in-cycle office visits, ultrasound examinations and the egg retrieval procedure. Also included are fresh embryo transfer and serum pregnancy test.
If the patient does not conceive after the first cycle, a second cycle is given offering a frozen embryo transfer. In case of no conception after the second cycle, a third frozen embryo transfer cycle is offered.
This plan does not cover treatment medications as charged by a pharmacy. Any pre-treatment screening evaluation or laboratory testing is also not covered.
- Soft-IVF fee comes to $9, 460. The fees does not cover a fresh embryo transfer, but includes embryo cryopreservation and any number of cryopreserved embryo transfers. This plan covers many others aspects of treatment that conventional IVF does not cover.
The program uses oral medications and very few injections to stimulate the development of high quality eggs. Being gentler than conventional IVF, this treatment option allows patients to continue with their everyday lifestyle as usual.
- Donor egg IVF services come at a cost of $ 12,260. Services include, office visits, ultrasounds and clinical monitoring. Also included are stimulation of endometrial lining, egg retrieval and embryo culture.
Services not included in this package are ICSI, assisted hatching, embryo freezing or genetic testing. Like other Bay IVF packages, medication, pre-treatment screening and lab tests are not included.
- Frozen donor egg IVF services cost $ 12,260. This price does not reflect charges for frozen eggs purchased from an egg bank. When purchasing frozen eggs from an egg bank, prices may vary between $1,500 and $2,500 or more per egg.
Bay IVF frozen donor egg services include thawing of frozen eggs, ICSI, embryo culture and embryo freezing. Also included are assisted hatching and embryo transfer. All office visits, ultrasounds and clinical monitoring are included in the fees.
No medication costs, pre-treatment evaluations or lab tests are included.
- Embryo banking charges are at $11, 620. Services covered include office visits, ultrasounds and clinical monitoring. Plus complete embryo cryopreservation and its related services are covered, except for medication, pre-screening and lab testing.
Some patients may require special services like ICSI and genetic testing of embryos. Please note that these services are not included in the fees and are considered out-of-pocket IVF cost.
Pacific Fertility Center in San Francisco, CA
Pacific Fertility Center offers various IVF financial plans that are devised to meet the needs of a variety of individuals. While these plans do not cover all IVF cost, they can give good discounts.
- The IVF single cycle plans start from $11, 595 at Pacific Fertility Center in San Francisco, CA. This price is applicable when the prospective parent’s own eggs are used. Insurance coverage may be applied to this plan.
Services provided under this plan include clinical monitoring, physician’s services, anesthesia and embryo transfer. The cost also covers basic lab services, 3 day culture, and embryo transfer preparation at Pacific Fertility Center in San Francisco, CA.
Services not covered include pre evaluation, mid cycle ultrasound and medications. In addition, pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, freezing, storage and transfer of embryos is not covered.
The financial plan pricing is for the single IVF cycle Pacific Fertility Center in San Francisco, CA is as follows:
- Own eggs- $11,595
- PFC agency donor eggs- $13, 185
- Outside agency donor eggs- $ 13, 710
- Known donor eggs- $13, 710
- Gestational carrier- $13, 710
- PFC agency egg donor and gestational carrier- $14, 340
- Outside agency egg donor and gestational carrier- $ 14, 865
- The IVF refund plan offered by Pacific Fertility Center in San Francisco, CA can reimburse amounts between 70- to 80%. This is a considerable amount for people who have to pay out-of-pocket IVF cost. The refund plan offers refunds if a first trimester pregnancy does not occur. Fees and refunds are also determined by the age and other factors of the prospective parent.
Even though multiple embryo transfer cycles might be needed, all frozen embryos emanating from the initial egg must be transferred to qualify for a refund.
The refund plan expenses cover the cost of physician’s services, clinical monitoring, egg retrieval and embryo transfer at Pacific Fertility Center in San Francisco, CA. All basic IVF lab services, egg freezing and embryo storage for one year is also included. If there is any subsequent transfer of any frozen/thawed embryos within one year, those are also included.
The financial plan pricing determined by the woman’s age is as follows at Pacific Fertility Center in San Francisco, CA:
- Services for women 30 years and younger cost $13, 750 with a refund of $11,000.
- Services for women between 30-33 years cost $15, 350 with a refund of $12,280.
- Services for women between 34-36 years cost $17, 975 with a refund of $14, 380.
- Services for women between 37-28 years cost $18, 250 with a refund of $ 12m 775.
- Donor services for women 34 years and younger cost $15, 225 with a refund of $12, 180.
Other than donor services, all prices are applicable for the use of the parent’s own eggs.
Insurance is not applicable to this plan.
California IVF in Sacramento, CA
The IVF cost of California IVF packages for infertility services are as follows:
- Single cycle IVF package starts at $9,500 for the first cycle with additional cycles costing $7,000. If needed, the ICSI cost is at $ 1,500 and a charge for a frozen embryo transfer come to $ 2,800. The package includes all necessary items to complete a treatment of IVF for most individuals.
- The 2 cycle plan costs $16,000. This plan allows women to get their eggs collected they can also have embryos transferred with extra embryos frozen for future use. In case the patient does not conceive they can pursue treatment to use frozen embryos at no additional cost.
The Center for Fertility and Gynecology in Los Angeles, CA
The Center for Fertility and Gynecology helps manage the cost of IVF in California by offering different packages. These packages are designed to help women achieve conception by using single or multiple IVF cycles. They may also consider some other options that suit their financial goals better.
Single Cycle IVF Options
The Center for Fertility and Gynecology charges $7,700 for one regular IVF cycle.
- For one IVF with egg donation, the cost comes to $9,500.
- One IVF cycle with surrogacy totals $ 9,500.
- One IVF cycle involving egg donation with surrogacy totals $9,900.
If two regular IVF cycles do not give results, the third cycle is offered under the compassionate cycle program. This cycle does not charge any professional or basic lab fees.
Low Cost IVF Program
The charges for this program take maternal age into account. Programs are available in cycles of two or three.
- Women 34 years and youngers can have two IVF cycles at $9,800 and three IVF cycles at $11,900.
- Women between 35-39 years can get two IVF cycles at $10,800 and three IVF cycles at $13,300.
- Woman 40 and above can get two IVF cycles at $ 12,000 and three IVF cycles at $15,300.
Refund Guarantee Program
This program has a qualification criteria. Patients who qualify can receive up to 90% of their funds if treatment remains unsuccessful.
To qualify, women need to be 39 years or younger and can get 3 regular IVF cycles at a cost of $ 18,000.
Natural IVF Cycle
One cycle of IVF without the use of any stimulation fertility drugs costs $ 4,000.
Mini IVF Cycle
One cycle of mini IVF costs $ 5,500.
Egg Freezing Cycle
One cycle of this service is available at $5,500. A low cost two-cycle price for the same service goes up to $7,700. A low cost three-cycle price for egg freezing totals $ 9,900.
Additional specialized IVF services are also available to patients who may need them. Some of these include assisted hatching, ICSI and embryo freezing.
In Conclusion
The total cost of IVF in California will vary from one case to the next. Fertility clinics offer consultations prior to treatment which consider unique budget concerns for every patient. Many offer flexible plans and low cost programs to help california patients achieve their goal. Patients are advised to consider these options before making a final decision.
Read More:
Top IVF Clinics in California By Success Rate
Cost of IVF and Breakdown Fees